About island Brac |
Table of contents:
- General information about the island
- Splitska
- Supetar
- Postira
- Povlja
- Bol
Island Brac with it`s Vidova mountain is the highest island in Adriatic area. On this mountain was during world war 2 killed son of Winston Churchill while helping local soldiers. With length of 40 km and width of 13 km Brac is the third biggest islands on Croatian coast. Island itself is settled for some centuries and were even found some remaining of primitive man in cave Kopacina.
The coast of the island is long 175 km. Numerous bay and beaches follows one another. On the northern part of the island the most known beach is Lovrecina and on the south part there is Zlatni rat. On the island there is 22 settlements, 12 villages and 5 deserted settlements. All cities and settlements have their own speciality and culture. Splitska is just one of them. Main activities are:
Splitska is a small village on northeast part of the island. Its distance is 6 km from Supetar and 25 km from airport. Village lies by small bay that is overgrown with pine forest. During the winter the village has 200 inhabitants. There are no hotels but there is all necessary infrastructures for fun and recreation. Splitska has 3 restaurants, one pub, post office and a store. Sight seeing in
Splitska: - Wall in front of the store. It is built out of the stones, which were picked up from the bottom of the sea. This stones were primary made for Dioklecian palace in Split and were sunk at loading on ships. - Smaller fort, which was built in 1577 by Mihajlo Cernic (Cerineo). It is composed out of three mutual buildings and a tower. It purpose was for defense during Turk invasion. Today it is still settled and the balcony without ground is still seen which was used for pouring hot oil. It is placed at pub Salinada in center of the village. - There is also the oldest mind stone on the island which is now deserted and it has chiseled out a relief of Hercules. It takes about 20 min to get there. |
Supetar; 2568 inhabitants |
As you step on the island, its many beauties, clear sea, kilometres long beaches along the pinewood and places for peace and fun will be yours. Supetar is economic, cultural and tourist center of the island of Brac. The Municipality of Supetar includes the town Supetar and three places Splitska, Skrip and Mirca. Good connections of Supetar with the world, the beautiful nature and rich tourist offer are the reason why this typical Mediterranean town as one of the most important tourist destinations on the Adriatic, is the place of many events and the place for comfortable and substantial vacation. Today tourism is the main economic line in Supetar. Besides the tourism the traditional fishing and maritime affairs are part of tradition of its inhabitants with cattle breeding and agriculture having great significance. The surroundings of Supetar is famous for the production of olive oil, wine, figs, mandarines, kiwi and other fruit. The sheep breeding and production of cheese are famous. Good and various pastures / various Mediterranean plants and perfumed herbs, sea and mountain air, are he reason why the kiddy and lambs are of such a good quality and present the superb delicate bit at every rich banquet. Petar Simunovic, who knows Supetar and the island very well, says about this: "During summer months everything becomes lively on Supetar riva: gathering of people, costumes and languages gives special charm and extremely Mediterranean feature to the town. In its narrow streets in which you can trade and rest, sounds and shadows scribble picturesque scenes. Street galleries, wine-cellars, pubs during the day, at the edges of swimming pools, cheerful chats at narrow streets and gardens make long in the night real domestic atmosphere.". Great Croatian poet Tin Ujevic often so journed in Supetar which was often reflected in his works: "When I disembarked in Supetar I saw again that domestic sweetly look of human housing... Supetar is really the place for ideal holiday..." |
Postire; 1287 inhabitants |
POSTIRA, a small town and harbour on the northern coast of the island of Brac; population 1,287. In the hinterland of Postira is a 2-km long valley with fertile soil (vines, vegetables). Chief occupations include farming, stone-masonry and fishing; a fish cannery. Postira is located on the regional road. Postira was first mentioned in 1347 under the name Postrena. The parish church, built in the 16th century, was later reconstructed; the only remains of the original structure include an apse in the shape of a fort. The church features the Way of the Cross, a work by three painters from the 18th/19th century, as well as several paintings by the Venetian Baroque school. - Among residential structures, a very interesting building is the birth-house of the poet Vladimir Nazor (1876-1949), with the Renaissance gable and inscriptions. - East of Postira, in the cove of Lovrecina, are the ruins of a large early Christian basilica from the 5th-6th century; two early Christian sarcophagi and fragments of Roman plastics have been found next to it. Postira, a picturesque
coastal place with a series of attractive beaches and coves, surrounded by
pine forests, olive-groves and vineyards, offers excellent opportunities
for peaceful and pleasant vacations. The development of tourism started
here between the two world wars - the first guests from Germany and the
Czech Republic came to Postira in 1934. The traditional cultural and entertainment event, the Postira Summer, comprises the feast days of St. John the Baptist, patron saint of the parish (24th of June), Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (16th of July) and the Assumption (15th of August). |
![]() Postire from air
Povlja; 393 inhabitants |
POVLJA (Povja), a village in the cove bearing the same name, on the north-eastern coast of the island Brac; population 393. Chief occupations are farming, growing of vines and olives, fishing and tourism. The surrounding coves (Travna, Smokvica, Ticja Luka, Tatinja, etc.) feature nice beaches. Povlja is located on the regional road. The remains from the early Christian period include parts of a basilica (5th-6th c.), which has been partly preserved up to the roof; very prominent is the apse part with a triforium. The octagonal baptistery with a cupola (the only one preserved in Croatia) is today an integral part of the parish church; the church also features partly preserved frescoes from the same period. In the 12th century, the baptistery was converted into a church by the Benedictines and in the 18th and the 19th centuries naves and chapels were added to it. The remains of the Benedictine church include the lintel (now kept at the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments in Split) with an inscription by Master Radonja from the 12th century, as well as the Povlja Charter, written in Western Cyrillic script, from 1250 (the oldest charter written in that script in Croatia). Next to the church are the parts of the monastery and defence towers, restored in 1551 and 1559. Povlja is surrounded by numerous nice coves as nowhere else on the island of Brac. The Povlja bay is also a very safe harbour for boaters. The remains of the early Christian basilica are a true rarity. Athletes and recreation enthusiasts may enjoy football and tennis, as well as water sports, swimming, yachting and windsurfing. |
![]() Povlja from air
Bol; 1478 inhabitants |
BOL, a town and harbour on
the southern side of the island of Brac, at the foot of Vidova Gora (778
m) and Dratevo Brdo (627 m), in a fertile field with permanent sources of
potable water; population 1,478. The name originates from the Latin word
vallum: an earth fortification with palisades. Economy is based on
farming, viticulture (Bol houses a wine cellar with a capacity of 150
wagons), fishing (salting of anchovies) and tourism. Sand and pebble
beaches (Zlatni Rat, etc.) stretch in the total length of some 15 km (from
the Martinica Cove in the east to the Blaca Cove in the west). The
southern coast of the island (west of the Konjska Cove) offers excellent
opportunities for underwater fishing. Bol is located on a regional road. A
steep hiking trail leads from Bol to the vista point on Vidova Gora (Vitus'
Mount). About 5 km west of Bol is the village of Murvica, above which is a
deserted monastery with a cave church. |
![]() Bol